# Exachk

* Oracle Exadata Database Machine exachk or HealthCheck (Doc ID 1070954.1)

exachk 2.2.2 “What’s New”

exachk daemon to support non-interactive execution on storage servers and IB switches

Ability to run –profile sysadmin under root userid

Software version recommendation matrix in MAA scorecard

Ability to run MAA scorecard stand alone

Identify hardware type of each storage server independently

Output directory restructure

exachk 2.2.3 BETA “What’s New”

Initial support for and 12.1

MAA scorecard “SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE BEST PRACTICES” contains list of Critical Issues checked

MAA scorecard “CONSOLIDATION DATABASE PRACTICES” includes specific consolidation checks

Critical issues DB18, DB20

Daemon has ability to make runs at specific scheduled dates/times in addition to interval option

Daemon performs a diff of current and current-1 reports and emails if differences found

Ability to exclude check based on check name

Excluded checks listed in html report


# 수행 방법

./exachk -d start

… exachk 수행과 동일하게 물어봄

./exachk -d status, 상태확인

Daemon is running. PID : 62661

./exachk -d nextautorun

AUTORUN_SCHEDULE = 12,13 * * *

./exachk -d stop 중지


./exachk -set “AUTORUN_SCHEDULE= 12,13 * * *”

./exachk -set NOTIFICATION_EMAIL=nobody@oracle.com

AUTORUN_SCHEDULE * * * * :- Automatic run at specific time in daemon mode.

– – – –

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ +—– day of week (0 – 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday)

¦ ¦ +———- month (1 – 12)

¦ +————— day of month (1 – 31)

+——————– hour (0 – 23)




By haisins

오라클 DBA 박용석 입니다. haisins@gmail.com 으로 문의 주세요.

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