To understand the operability of a zone we need to understand its state. Zones behave like typical Solaris 10 OS installations, but do not have resources such as power-on self test (POST) or Open Boot Programmable Read-Only Memory (OBP). Instead, theses settings and tests
are managed by the global zone. As a zone is configured, enabled, and used, its status command output changes.


Configured -> Installed -> Running
A non-global zone can be in one of the following six states:

 상 태

설 명 


 In this state, the zone’s configuration has not been completed and committed to stable storage. This also occurs when a zone’s configuration has been deleted.


 The zone’s configuration is complete and committed to stable storage. However, those elements of the zone’s application environment that must be specified after initial boot are not yet present


 During an install or uninstall operation, zoneadm sets the state of the target zone to incomplete. Upon successful completion of the operation, the state is set to the correct state.


 The zone’s configuration is instantiated on the system. The zoneadm command is used to verify that the configuration can be successfully used on the designated Solaris system. Packages are installed under the zone’s
root path. In this state, the zone has no associated virtual platform.


 The virtual platform for the zone is established. The kernel creates the zsched process, network interfaces are set up and made available to the zone, file systems are mounted, and devices are configured. A unique zone ID is assigned by the system. At this stage, no processes associated with the zone have been started.


 User processes associated with the zone application environment are running. The zone enters the running state as soon as the first user process associated with the application environment (init) is created.

 Shutting down
and Down

 These states are transitional states that are visible while the zone is being halted. However, a zone that is unable to shut down for any reason will stop in one of these states.







By haisins

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